Health and safety of my clients is always my number one priority. During this difficult time I will be closely following the advice and expertise provided by AHPRA (the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency), and the Australian Government Department of Health.

As of April 2021, clients are no longer required to wear face masks in either the reception area or treatment rooms. On entry you will be asked to use the sanitiser provided and to scan our QR Code. Practitioners will continue to wear masks.

Upcoming Appointments
I encourage you to continue to take care of your health, get lots of sleep, eat well, exercise when possible, keep up with your regular acupuncture appointments, and take your herbs. Click here to read about ways to maintain your wellbeing at this time. Your health is my priority, and there is no need to cancel or reschedule your appointment unless you fall into one of the following categories.

As a precaution, if you have an appointment booked and are experiencing any of the following symptoms, or have been in any of the following circumstances, please call to reschedule or arrange an online appointment:
-       Fever
-       Shortness of breath
-       Body aches
-       Cough
-       Sore throat
-       Have a compromised immune system
-       Have travelled from overseas in the last 2 weeks
-       Have been in contact with someone who has travelled recently
-       Are in self-isolation due to having contact with someone who has tested positive to the virus
- Have visited one of the COVID-19 ‘Hotspots’, or travelled from interstate in the last 2 weeks.

Keeping you safe.
An important part of my job is to always maintain very high standards of hygiene, for the safety of my clients.

Standard practice involves:
-       Hand-washing before, after and during each session. Every time I re-enter the room, my hands are freshly cleaned.
-       Changing the linen and towels between every client.
-       Using hand sanitiser during the treatment.
-       Using alcohol swabs to prepare the skin before needling.
-       Using high quality single use, sterile needles that are immediately disposed of after removal from the client.
-       Regular cleaning and disinfecting of the surfaces in the room.

Above standard practice, the following has been implemented to help control the spread of the virus.
-       I have undertaken the Australian Government's 'Covid-19 Infection Control Training', provided by the Department of Health for health care practitioners.
-       Hand washing facilities are always available to clients. It is asked that clients wash their hands when they come to the clinic.
-       Hand sanitiser is available for clients to use in the treatment room.
-       Calling ahead if you are unsure about coming into the clinic.
-       The option of online consults for those who cannot make it into the clinic.
-       To limit the number of people in the clinic, if you are able to come alone, please do.

For more information on COVID-19 please visit the Australian Government Health alert, which is continually updated according to any changes.
